Smile Creator

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Designing a smile with the Smile Creator Wizard

To start Smile Creator, click Start Smile Creator in the Smile Creator Wizard. The wizard shows the step “Start Smile Creator” if at least two neighboring teeth are reconstructed and at least one of them is an incisor.

Smile Creator automatically detects facial features with artificial intelligence to automate the smile design and get to an esthetic proposal faster. This, along with many other new features and improvements, helps saving valuable time while designing cases.

Note: Smile Creator is not available if the reconstruction type is a waxup with a waxup scan.

Smile Creator 1 3.1.png

Alternatively, start Smile Creator from the main toolbar (Tools > Smile Creator)

Main toolbar smile creator 3.1.png

Note: The Smile Creator module first needs to be activated. Also note that Smile Creator is optimized for single groups of neighboring teeth.

Load a retracted image

Load retracted image 3.1.png
Take an image.png

Click Load a retracted image to load an image from your file directory, or take a picture directly from your device:

1. Click the camera symbol.

2. Click Take image in the window that opens.

Alternatively, you can drag&drop an image file into the main view, or copy&paste an image file into the main view.

Tip Check the this page to get more information about the Smile Creator Photo Protocol

Set corresponding points and adjust

DentalCAD automatically aligns the image to the scan data. If this process fails, the patient’s photo is displayed on the right side of the screen. Match the scan and the photo by setting alignment points.

Scan photo 3.1.png

Set two corresponding alignment points on the left and right image. First click two points in the scan and then click the corresponding alignment points in the corresponding positions in the photo.

Set corresponding points 3.1.png

Adjust the point positions as required by left-clicking and dragging them. Hover the mouse over the images and scroll to magnify them for better adjustment. Click Next when the points are optimal.


  • Move image – hold both mouse buttons

  • Scale image up and down – scroll mouse wheel

  • Rotate the view horizontally around pivot - page up, page down
  • In the next step, the scanned jaw and retracted image are placed on top of each other.

  • Fine-tune the overlay by holding the left mouse button and moving the photo.
  • To adjust the view angle of the scan, right-click and drag.
  • Scroll the mouse wheel up/down without clicking to zoom in/out both images simultaneously.

    Fine-tune the overlay 3.1.png
  • Additionally under Settings you can select to show the scans as an outline which can facilitate the alignment process.

    Click Next when done.

    Load a smiling image

    Load a smile image 3.1.png

    Next, load a smiling image of the patient by clicking Load a smile image and selecting an image from your file directory, or take a picture directly with your device. Alternatively, you can drag&drop an image file into the main view, or copy&paste an image file into the main view.

    Set corresponding points and adjust

    Set two corresponding alignment points 3.1.png

  • Through artificial intelligence, DentalCAD automatically aligns the images. If this process fails, the retracted and smiling images are displayed next to each other. Set two corresponding alignment points in both pictures. Adjust as required by left-clicking and dragging the points, then click Next.

  • Fine-tune the placement of the points as required to optimize image scaling and position. Click each point to rotate and scale the photo up and down. Click and drag the image to move it back and forth. Use the Field of View slider to correct the different camera and lens characteristics. Get accurate alignment to the photo for both anterior and posterior teeth. Fine tune the overlay 3.2.png

    Load a face scan

    To load a face scan, use the option Select face scan and continue setting the registration points on the face and jaw scan. Load a face scan 3.2.png

    Smile creator Face scans manually 3.2.png

    After loading a 3D face scan instead of 2D images set two corresponding registration points on the face scan and the jaw scan. Then, by clicking Next, you can manually align the jaw scan to the face scan. Move the jaw scan using both mouse buttons. Rotate the jaw scan using the right mouse button. In the Orientation section [1], you can set the view from the Left, Front, or Right. In the Visual Properties section [2], choose whether to display Teeth & Pre-op or the Outline of the jaw scan/pre-op scan.
    Show alignment controls [3] in the main view by activating the corresponding checkbox. Activating the checkbox Allow navigating in 3D view [4] enables you to rotate all objects in the main view.

    Draw a lip line

    DentalCAD automatically detects the lip line with artificial intelligence. If this fails, draw a lip line to cut out the mouth by clicking points along the inner lip line, as shown in the screenshot below. Adjust the line as required by dragging the points. Draw a lipline 3.1.png

    Guidelines and curves

    Also using artificial intelligence, DentalCAD automatically detects the patient’s eyes. If this fails, follow these steps:

    1. Click the patient’s right eye. Click the right eye 3.1 2.png

    2. Click the patient’s left eye. Guidelines and curves appear. Click the left eye 3.1.png Helpers

    Edit guidelines and curves 3.1.png

    3. In the wizard, select a proportion guide by clicking the drop-down menu [1] .

    4. To add more guidelines, expand the Add lines and curves section [2] in the wizard and click the corresponding symbol.

    5. Adjust guidelines and curves as required by dragging and dropping their control points. Click a control point and press DEL to delete the guideline.

    6. Align the image by enabling Lock Rotation and align image to lines [3].

    7. Click Next when done.


    Next, adjust your design. The main window shows the retracted image with the 2D outlines of the tooth models. In the upper right corner is the front view of the 3D model. The top view is shown below and the image in the lower right corner represents the side view of the model. You can activate the Show Distances function in the main toolbar.

    Adjust your design 3.1.png The Smile Creator Wizard is shown in the left part of the screen. The four areas of the window will be explained in this section.

    Smile Creator Wizard Modelling 3.1.png

    Select a dental library in the Library section [1].

    Note that it is important to begin the modeling process with this step. Changing the dental library resets any modifications you have made.

    Select a library 3.1.png

    Check the Mirror Movements [2] box to apply all changes in position, scaling and rotation symmetrically. In the Tools section [3] of the wizard you can click a tooth to view and change its dimensions in all views. You can select several teeth by holding CTRL while clicking an additional tooth. All teeth in between two clicked teeth will also be selected when holding SHIFT while clicking. Select either Free-Form or Measurements to perform advanced modelling. Click Free-Form to edit the tooth shape. Check this page for further information about this tool.

    Freeform 3.1.png

    Select Measurements [4] to view the dimensions of a tooth and the proportions. Disable the function by clicking the icon again.

    View the dimensions of a tooth 3.1.png

    Check the Lock view [6] orientation box to lock the current view. Check the Auto hide view obstructions [7] box to automatically hide parts of the scan obstructing the view in the three secondary views. In the Visual properties [5], select one of the following modes:

    • Full tooth: displays all teeth in their entirety with the tooth necks in realistic rendering
    • Preview: displays a preview of the teeth above the cervical border (useful for so-called “gum smiles”) in realistic rendering
    • Outline: displays an outline of the teeth above the cervical border.

    Click Undo to cancel previous changes and Redo to restore them.

    Note that changes to the tooth library will also be undone/redone.

    Adjust the model directly in the viewer, if required, as follows:

    Click a tooth in any of the views to modify its size, shape or position.

    • Drag the frame that appears by its control points to change the size of a tooth.
    • Drag the control point with arrows to rotate the tooth.
    • Click a tooth to change its position freely. To perform this step for several teeth simultaneously, hold CTRL and click the desired teeth or click, hold and drag the mouse to create a rectangular selection area for several teeth.
    • Switch between the outline view and full tooth view by clicking the circle icon in the upper right corner of each view.
    Full tooth viw 3.1.png
    • Rotate the model freely by right-clicking and dragging it. Click the arrow in the top right corner return to the default view.
    • Click Next when done.


    In this step, a preview of the smile is displayed. There is a before/after slider to compare the previous and the new smile with a slider dragging the arrows to the left or right.

    Smile preview 3.2.png

    You can also adjust the coloring of the teeth using the following controls:

    Smile preview 2D 3.2.png
    • Click Use 2D color bar [1] to open a custom color window that allows you to choose the optimum tooth color from the palette. Choose the Tooth base color and Tooth highlight color with the color picker.

    • [2]Select one of the 20 standard colors in the Wizard. Fine-tune your selected color with Adjust tooth color [3] to better match the photo using the slider below.

      Note that the color in the photo depends on the camera, lighting, and display configuration, so the preview is only an approximation.

    Custom color presets 3.2.png
    • Expand Custom Color Selection [4] to give your design an individual coloration. Define the tooth base color and the tooth highlight color by using the sliders.

    Use the color picker to select a color in the photo by clicking the upper pipette icon. Click a point in the photo that corresponds to the tooth base color.

    Next, click the lower pipette icon to select a highlight color. Click a bright position in the original image to apply this as the highlight color for your model.

    Visual properties 3.2.png

    • Expand the Visual properties [5] section and select either Full Tooth, Preview or Outline mode.

    • [6] Export the smile image with the new smile or the new & previous smile coping to the clipboard, or save directly in the project directory.

    Smile preview Gingiva design 3.2.png

    Select Gingiva design [B] to open this section. To create a gingiva, click Generate gingiva [1] but first adjust the parameters below [2]. If a gingiva is created the Free-Form gingiva Design [3] will become active.

    Smile preview Gingiva design 2 3.2.png

    After generating the gingiva you will also have the Color & properties section with a 2D gingiva color bar [4]. Use the slider [5] to adjust the shininess. You can also Lock the view orientation by selecting the checkbox [6].

    Smile preview light shades 3.2.png

    With the Light/Shades [C] options you can make visual adjustments. In the Light and Image Adjustment section, start by Adjusting the tooth light [1] and fine-tuning the Image brightness using the slider [2]. In the Shading options section, you can also modify the darkening values and ambient color [3] to achieve a more natural result. Use [4] to restore the values to default.

    Smile Creator Report

    In the last step, you can create a PDF report of the smile design. In the Page setup configuration [1], choose the Size, type of margin, Orientation, and Theme according to your preference. Below you will find an example: Smile Creator report 3.2.png

    Smile Creator report Print all 3.2.png

    Select individually what you would like to include within the Smile Creator Report expander [2].

    • Click Done [3] when you are finished.

    • After finishing the Smile Creator, it is available the Smile window, a secondary view to show the patient-oriented smile design. This secondary view can always be opened again during subsequent DentalCAD workflow and it's available on the Main Toolbar. This will allow users to use advanced tools like the chain-mode tooth placement as usual, but at the same time see the outcome interactively relative to the patient's face. Use this tool within the same screen or with a multiple screens setup.

    Smile window 3.1.png

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