View Options pulldown

In the View tab the Options pulldown at the bottom of the window has 4 tabs :

Options(1): Use preview mode check box, This allows the preview of surfaces.

Overall options1a1.png

Voxel size(2): These sliders allow changes in the voxel size (voxel resizing/ scaling) in all 3 planes X,Y and Z in any combination or independently .

Overall options2 voxelsa.png


Warning Remember that voxel resizing or scaling will change measurements and must be used with care.

Registration(3): Allows the pasting of a matrix for Global registration of other 3D models/meshes or Dicom data?. You can also reset or inverse (use checkbox) the registration.

Overall registration a.png

Clip(4): These sliders(A)allow the clipping of the 3 planes X, Y and Z relative to the Dicom data set. The sliders on the right(B) are the opposite sides of the clipping planes. They can all be used in any combination or independently.

Clipping a.png