Partial Framework - Fill in wax (clone)

WarningThis page documents exocad's software releases from 2022 on. See documentation for older versions

In this step, you will apply rest seats, distal guide planes, and add material around the mesh to receive the finish lines. These operations are done using the clone tool which adds a fixed thickness of wax. Simply left-click and drag on the model to apply Clone wax. Use Shift-Clone to remove a fixed thickness of material, and Ctrl-Clone to add on top of existing wax. Use the shortcut numbers "1","2","3","4","5" to quickly change between preset buttons. Typically, you use a 1mm rest seat and guide planes, and 1.75mm to make wax at the same thickness as the top of the mesh.

Clone 3.1.png

  • Tool Size [1] controls the tool diameter, hence the width of the added wax. Use the + and - keys, or Shift-middle-mouse-wheel to control the tool size.

  • Wax Thickness [2] determines the thickness of the added wax.

  • Settings [3] will open a window which allow you to:

  • Select Bottom cutoff [A] and use the slider to limit the clone selection to a specific part of the model. Otherwise, the clone selection is applied to the entire model.

  • Presets [4] gives additional thickness preset buttons (occlusal rest / lingual rest / minor connector / connector / mesh). The connector and mesh thicknesses use whatever was last used for thickness in connector or mesh tools.

  • Clone Blockout [5] select to hide the wax and add blockout material to an area.