Adapt to antagonist / adjacent

WarningThis page documents exocad's software releases from 2020 on. See documentation for older versions

Adapting to occlusion and adjacent (proximal)

Free Forming - ADAPT -Occlusal - PIC(3).png

This screen allows you to adapt restorations to the antagonist (if scanned), and to the adjacent teeth.

If you have used the Virtual Articulator feature (available as an add-on module; requires supported scanner for a direct facebow transfer or you can manually set the occlusal set using Bonwill's triangle), you may chose between static or dynamic occlusion [17].

You can define a desired distance to the antagonist (for anatomic and reduced parts) using the slider(s) desired distance [16].

For the actual adaptation, you have the choice between a smart shape-preserving adaptation [15], which will try to preserve the tooth morphology, or simply cutting intersections with the antagonist, cut intersection [14].

To adapt to anterior teeth, switch to Approximal [13].

TipUse a combination of both – first the shape-preserving adaptation [15], which will keep small intersections, then cut intersections [14].

On approximal adaptation, you can define a distance from the designed anatomy to the adjacent teeth and emergence profile using the desired distance sliders.

  • Disc cutter places discs at the end of restoration, aligned with the insertion axes of each tooth. • This can be used to create flat areas in the region of your proximal contact points. Add more discs, by clicking Add discs. Using the blue arrows, you can tilt the discs to create a flat interproximal region, which ensures the proper insertion of the restoration. Use the Disc thickness to apply a gap to your proximal contact points. You can orient the disc towards a specific tooth axis or align to the disc to the view direction. Delete discs with Left and Right button or to use the button Remove all.
TipHold the Left Mouse button on the disc, to change the position.

Hold SHIFT to set the control point of the disc to the desired position of the scanned surface.
With Holding CTRL and SHIFT you set the centre point of the disc to desired position, and the software, will set the disc, parallel to the surface where the point has been set.

  • When Block out neighbor collisions is checked, the scanned approximal neighbouring teeth are temporarily blocked out relative to the tooth insertion direction, to allow a collision free fitting. Desired distance can be selected by the slider.
Tip To adapt Maryland bridges, use feature Block out neighbor collisions. The software cannot distinguish between neighboring tooth and gingiva, and incorrect adaptation can be avoided with using Block out neighbor collisions.

  • You can check Pull sideways to adjacent teeth to move the restoration borders sideways so that they are in contact with the adjacent teeth. If checked, you can define intrusions with the adjacent teeth using the slider Intrusion depth before cut. These intrusions will be applied before intersections are cut away.

  • You can paint areas on the model teeth which will be excluded from adaptation by selecting Exclude selected parts.
TipClick Cut all intersections, will cut all intersections with the antagonist, adjacent and for pontics or wax-ups, to the gingiva.

Adapting pontics to the gingiva

Free Forming - PONTIC - PIC(2).png

Using the "Pontic" tab, you can adapt pontics to the gingiva. The Desired Distance [21] slider controls the distance to the gingiva after the adaptation:

  • A negative value means that the pontic will intersect the gingiva scan (that is, the physical pontic will apply pressure on the gingiva).
  • A positive value means that there will be a gap between gingiva and pontic.
  • A zero value (default) means that the pontic will be in direct contact with the gingiva.

When designing reduced pontics, the "Freeform" screen will appear twice, once before and once after the reduction. Therefore it's your choice whether to perform the pontic adaptation on the full anatomic or on the reduced shape. To make sure that the exact distance value [21] is respected in the final restoration, perform the adaptation after the reduction.

TipCheck Pull down to gingiva [22] if the gingiva is so low that the pontic doesn't intersect it to begin with. This will pull down the pontic towards the gingiva during the adaptation (Alternatively, you can pull the pontics down to the gingiva manually by dragging on the bottom while the "Anatomic" tab is active)
TipYou control the ridge-lap position of the pontic during the placement of the pontic shape

Finally, click Adapt to gingiva [20] to perform the actual adaptation.