The Select Wax tool is used to define and area of blockout or partial wax, and optionally to convert it to the other type.
- The Toggle erase mode [1] paint=selects and area to delete from the selected area, or use the Shift key to modify.
- The Select All [2] selects the entire model to be selected.
- The Select None [3] icon de-selects the entire model.
- Invert Selection [4] reverses the selected and non-selected areas.
- The Cut Selection [5] removes the selected area from the wax.
- Convert wax to Blockout [6] takes the selected partial wax and converts it to Blockout.
- Convert Blockout to Wax [7] takes the selected Blockout and converts it to partial wax.
- Tool size [8] slider adjusts the size of the tool for painting and erasing selected areas. Also works with Shift-Middle-Mouse-Wheel.