Gingiva Base Design

WarningThis page documents exocad's software releases from 2023 on. See documentation for older versions

Gingiva base design 1 3.2.png

In this Wizard step, you can design a virtual gingiva. This may be necessary if the patient’s gingiva has declined considerably due to atrophy. The design of a virtual gingiva is typically recommended for larger implant-supported restorations, especially for aesthetic reasons.
First, you must draw a margin line as shown in the depiction in the upper left corner of the wizard window. Do this by clicking points around the model (on the gingiva and/or teeth). Avoid sharp edges in the margin line. Using the sliders in the Surface properties section [2], you can influence the design of the virtual gingiva:

  • Base Thickness [3]: Define the base thickness of the virtual gingiva.
  • Cervical Thickness [4]: If the checkbox Gingiva around model teeth is activated, you can define the cervical thickness of the virtual gingiva, i.e. the gingiva’s thickness around the tooth neck.
  • Smoothing [5]: Define the amount of smoothing that will be applied to the virtual gingiva.
After drawing the margin line and adjusting the sliders, click the Apply [6] button to generate the virtual gingiva.
Gingiva base design 2.png

To delete the designed virtual gingiva and restart the design process from scratch, click Clear [1].

When satisfied with the design, you can click Next to proceed to the next Wizard step.