Dental Share


Dentalshare is a tool in the DB( Data Base) which allows file sharing within a specialized network between customers and partners. Dentalshare can be configured to automatically launch when the DB is launched so files can be uploaded at anytime of design and automatically download files when they are sent from another location.


When the DB( Data Base) is launched, dentalshare automatically launches and begins a connection for authentication, you will notice this in the task bar and there will be a notification. There are 4 colors of the dentalshare indicator Orange which indicates the starting of dentalshare , Purple which indicates dentalshare downloader, Green which indicates uploading/downloading, and Red indicates downloader list failure authentication.


If the automatic authentication is not activated, you can click on the orange arrow and a new widow will pop up which allows you to login.

Login window.PNG

Dentalshare Downloader window buttons and definitions

1. Login/ Logout

2. Download new

3. Files since date - locate files by date

4. Include incomplete files- files which have not been finished

5. Auto sync-will download latest available files

6. File - This contains the name of file and information of Upload date, time, user, Project/filename , size , job status, C- completed and ID -code.

7. Update list now

8. Download selected- choose files

9. Cancel selected - choose files

10. Show log

4 dentalshare download window choosing file arrows.png

After the DB is launched, the information for a case is completed and the save button is clicked the dentalshare button is available. Once pressed the application is launched and is ready for registering/ login and or uploading and downloading files. When the dentalshare button is pressed the dentalshare login window will appear . Here you can login with your own name and password. You also are able to login to dentalshare global , which will allow you to communicate with other exocad users outside your preset network.